S.T.U.P.I.D. | 6 Things Kanye West Teaches Leaders


If you have not heard, Kanye West is in the media again. In an interview with TMZ, Kanye speaks about his support for Donald Trump, his experience with opioids, his liposuction surgery, his impression of 400 years of slavery in America, and his preference to use prison as a word that unites people.

This interview continues to make headlines and draw great criticism. The spectrum of responses, from anger to concern, saturate the internet and social media landscape. Catch a clip of his interview here

Consequently, I have decided to use this highly controversial interview to share some leadership lessons. I have (in my opinion) appropriately "acronym-ed" this post STUPID: 6 things that the Kanye West interview teaches leaders.


Kanye teaches healthy leaders about the importance of sensitivity. Frankly, much of his commentary was insensitive and self-centered. His insensitive word choices have caused a variety of responses. One part of the video clearly shows the consequence when sensitivity is absent. Literally, one of the TMZ staff is show offering feedback that articulates the emotional impact of Kanye's words. Healthy leaders have a sensitivity "compass" every time they offer comments.


Kanye teachers healthy leaders to be thoughtful. The comment Kanye made about slavery was far from thoughtful. My mother used to say "think before you speak." Clearly, Kanye could have used more time or a script if he was going to appear prepared to discuss a well studied topic like slavery. Healthy leaders should choose to be thoughtful or just remain silent when facing influential opportunities.


Kanye demonstrates the liability that accompanies being "unread." If you have read about american history, in the most general sense, you gather that Kanye's comments were not well informed. Healthy leaders can't afford to express strong opinions outside of performing research or reading scholarly literature. Healthy leaders are well-read. 


Kanye reminds healthy leaders about the imbalance and high risk of popularity. He used his popularity to get on television but that didn't serve him well in his commentary. He used his popularity to secure an influential opportunity but his "seemingly" positive intentions might have done more harm than good. The expense of popularity is far reaching. Healthy leaders must be careful not to pursue popularity without completely understanding the risk.


Kanye reminds healthy leaders about hidden indiscretions. Kayne took the time to explain what impacted some of his past decisions. He suggested opioids as an obstacle in his past. He shared his challenge with addiction. This was a rather powerful moment of transparency. I mention this part of his interview in order to highlight the reality that leaders have indiscretions. While it is better to deal manage your indiscretions in a way that is more palatable and less controversial, it is equally important not to be surprised when they appear in your own life. Healthy leaders have indiscretions and thats the truth.


Kanye reminds healthy leaders about the consequences of distractions. He probably also reminds healthy leaders about why we must use prescribed drugs responsibly but we will save that for another post. His commentary was all over the place. He barely put together a coherent sentence. He cover many unrelated topics. I imagine he might have been overwhelmed, overstimulated, and distracted. The inability to focus is the biggest threat to a healthy leaders progress. Don't let distractions lead to your downfall.

This list of lessons is far from extensive. They do however give leaders a taste of what can be deduced from the recent Kanye West Interview. There is room for  conversation about identity, mental health, race, and media. I look forward to discussing these things in the future.

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