This is America Video | 3 Ways NOT to respond

Well, I took the time to see what the internet was referring to as the video "This is America" became the topic of discussion. I watched the Childish Gambino - This Is America (Official Video). I also attempted to analyze the lyrics (make sure you see lyrics at the end). If you have not seen this video you should before reading this post. After noticing the tens of millions of views and series of divisive comments about this video, I had to encourage leaders to manage their response appropriately.

Let me begin by demanding that leaders courageously accept the responsibility to discuss some of the difficult topics that face our country and our world. Art continues to present leaders with opportunity to face the portrait, see the entire picture, and consider the humanity and dignity of everyone. Professor Brené Brown, in her book Braving the Wilderness, says "[m]usic, like all art, gives pain and our most wrenching emotions voice, language, and form, so it can be recognized and shared." This video is a vivid example of this truth. May we appreciate the voice, language, and form portrayed throughout it.


Ignore the Video

The video shows the reality of gun violence, truth that should not be ignored. It shows the existence of evil and it's impact on sacred audiences. It shows the reality of racism, sexism, oppression, police brutality, and injustice in the United States. These are trues that must not be ignored. Any leader that refuses to acknowledge these trues should not be taken seriously.

Trivialize the Video

To trivialize is to minimize, dismiss, downplay, make light of, or belittle. The video is more than a video. It re-introduces the painful stories of many. It triggers traumatic memories felt in the most marginalized parts of the country. It artistically portrays the explanation behind historic and current activism efforts. The lyrics and images in this video are not to be taken lightly, used as empty choreography, or posted for empty social media engagement. Leaders must refuse to trivialize content or messages that are designed to elevate thinking and encourage positive change.

"Celebritize" the Video

The video makes a visual reference to the Charleston, South Carolina massacre that happened at the historic Mother Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Upon visiting the church to commemorate the lives that were taken on June 17, 2015, I notice people taking selfie pictures. They were smiling because they were outside of a place that achieved notoriety. Seemingly, they had no appreciation for the truth...that lives had been lost at the hands of an American terrorist....that a sacred building had been desecrated and dishonored. Leaders cannot afford to dilute messages by choosing trendy and acceptable commentary over honest taking selfies when they should be taking stances. 

What will you do with the messages in this video? Will you ignore them? Trivialize them? "Celebritize" them? Will you see a friend in the video and celebrate their opportunity while saying nothing about the significance of the images represented? Will you be distracted by the cacophony of commentary? Or will you confront the questions...Is this America?

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