Three Transformational Words Leaders Must Learn...(Part II)

These three words (9 letters and a punctuation mark) can change the life of every leader.

"I don't know" can be seen as a sign of weakness or inappropriate for a leader to admit. I believe the key to the growth of every leader is discovered in these three words.

Allow me to share the top three things "I don't know" reveals about a leader:

  • Honesty - When you don't know, you don't know. People are willing to follow the honest leader before the "know it all" leader.
  • Courage - When you don't know, you risk judgement and credibility. Followers and team members might question your competency. It takes courage to knowingly face this possibility.
  • Openness to support - When you don't know, you create an opportunity for someone who does know to help. Leaders who "know it all" handicap their team and create a ceiling for their potential. Sometimes the greatest source of innovation and growth are in the words "I don't know."

Knowing every thing eliminates learning opportunities. Healthy leaders create an environment for teamwork when they admit they don't know everything. They also identify the strengths and weaknesses of an entire body of people by simply acknowledging their lack of answers. Furthermore, healthy leaders model healthy behavior for their team members. Consequently, "I don't know" from the leader creates a space for team members to be honest about what they "don't know."

Powerful groups and healthy leaders embrace "I don't know" (when appropriate) as a starting place. Leaders will never discover what the could know without admitting what they "don't know."

Use these three words as a tool. Don't be afraid to tell the truth.

Healthy leaders are well acquainted with these words.


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