D.E.A. | Three Ways to Avoid Procrastination

If there is one thing that prevents leadership from achieving goals...
If there is one excuse that always impacts productivity...
If there is one known temptation that all leaders face...

It's procrastination.

Procrastination is a direct threat to the health of leadership. It increases stress. It challenges peace of mind. It magnifies pressure. Sometimes, it forces leaders to be dishonest or lack integrity. Subsequently, I wanted to offer 3 tips to help prevent procrastination.


This is a simple tip that most experts miss. Some people procrastinate because they have too much to do. They are overworked and overcommitted. Procrastination becomes the bridge to more sleep or more free time. You should not have to make an excuse to rest. Do less and procrastination will slowly decrease.


Another reason people procrastinate is because they are not excited about what they are being asked to do. Excitement diminishes procrastination. You pack earlier for the dream vacation. You plan earlier for the dream date. You practice earlier for the dream engagement. This stimulus to prepare early naturally accompanies anticipation. Trying filling your schedule with things that excite you and see how it impacts the tendency to procrastinate. 


It is difficult to procrastinate when you are directly accountable to a person or group of persons. Find a person, committed to your success, and ask them to connect with you weekly. Share your list of responsibilities and timelines. Set up a time for them to inquire about your progress. You might even want to consider a destiny or life coach. Tip: Make sure this is someone you can be honest with. Ideally, they can detect with you are being completely truthful about your progress.

Share these tips. Apply these tips. Continue to pursue health as a leader.


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