3 Ways to Expand your Leadership Impact | Must Read

I am a great leader and no one knows...
I am doing great things and I want more people to connect to....
I wish I knew how to reach more people with the helpful information I have....

Have you every had these thoughts or made these statements? Do you wish you expand your impact as a leader?

First, THIS IS GOOD NEWS! It is a sign of healthy leadership!

Second, I have provided 3 ways to make this a reality for you.

Consider the recent earthquake off the coast of Alaska that became a concern for several cities on the west coast of the United States. News notifications and text messages containing the word "tsunami" filled my phone. I paused to verify and attempt to understand what the urgency was connected to. There was an earthquake and it was large enough to trigger emergency alert systems in cities 2600 miles away.

What if leaders operated like their actions had an impact 2600 miles away?


This situation creates the perfect landscape to discuss 3 ways to expand your leadership impact.

Make DEPTH your goal
Leaders who want to expand their impact must strive for depth. They must create deeper relationships, deeper solutions, deeper goals, and try to help people who have deeper issues. Depth is the key to impact. When leaders address surface issues they limit their impact. Leaders who work to address some of the worlds deeper issues immediately position themselves for greater impact.

Be willing to SHAKE things up!

You might already be misinterpreting what I am saying when I say "shake things up." No, I am not talking about making people angry or speaking out of turn. No, I am not talking about impulsive speaking without regard for casualties. I am talking about becoming a leader that actually exist to see others do better. Be a leader who does not lie, steal, cheat, or try to get over on those you lead. Be a leader of integrity and live what you teach. Set a high standard and you will shake things up!

Respect your own STRENGTH!

Be an earthquake leader. Everything you do has the potential to send a tidal wave many miles away. Pay attention to your words, your standard of work (which should be excellence), your appearance, and your decisions. When you don't respect your strength, you hurt people when you should be helping them. 

 Healthy leaders strive for deep impact! Healthy leaders want to create something, say something, or do something so significant it captures the attention of people across the country, state, or city.

Go forth and expand! Be an earthquake leader!

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