Healthy Leaders = Dirty Hands (New Spin)

Every healthy leader has to be willing to get their hands dirty.  No, I am not talking about having hard conversations, releasing underperforming team members, or moving through confrontation fearlessly. No, I am not talking about politics, bribery, or inappropriate behavior. No, I am not talking about working 16-hour days, enduring criticism, neglecting family, or taking on more work than you can handle.

I am talking about planting seeds

Healthy leaders get their hands dirty in a different way. Healthy leaders take their lead from gardeners. Gardeners have:

1.     Identified a place (or ground) to plant
2.     Nurtured the soil (dirt) to support growing things
3.     Identified seed to plant

Leaders must do the same thing. Healthy leaders are committed to planting seed. HEALTHY LEADERS GET THEIR HANDS DIRTY. They play in and help create good soil. They provide good dirt. They are dirt brokers or soil experts. Healthy leaders are good gardeners.

Many leaders fail because they have no desire to play in the dirt. They have no desire to see SEED grow. Their ground has dried up. They are an isolated seed. Don’t be that type of leader.

Be a healthy leader. Get your hands dirty. Play in and nurture soil. Consistently make sure seed has an opportunity to grow.

Be a gardener. Recognize that seed matters. The pay-off is when seed succeeds.

Where are you planting? Where is your garden?

Are your hands dirty?

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