The "C" in Success | MUST READ

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act but is a habit.

I want to share something with you that can change your life. I know we are only 13 days into the new year but you need to read this.

There is often one thing that separates good leaders from great leaders, healthy leaders from unhealthy leader. It is often this very principle that many leaders lack. This one thing is where most leaders fail to focus. 

I like to call this the C in Success. It is why the word has 2 C's!


Nearly every goal you have failed to reach is tied to habits.

 Many people finish school not because they were really good at school. They finish school because they were consistent. They kept going to class. They kept trying. They had a habit, regardless of performance, of showing up and trying to get better. Don't give up. You can do it too!

Many people succeed in relationships not because it has always been easy or fun. They succeed because they decided to stay. They refused to leave and it pays off in the end. DON'T GIVE UP. Make it a habit to stick with it. One day at a time.

Your dreams are on the line. BE CONSISTENT. This is why you can "do anything you put your mind to." 

When your mind focuses on something it become the most powerful instrument on the planet!

This is the year to prove it to yourself. 

Read every day. Stretch every day. Write everyday. Live everyday! 

You will discover that Consistency was the missing ingredient. Good luck.

Share this with a friend. Every healthy leader could use a reminder.


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