Healthy Leaders get High

At a time when marijuana is legal (in some states) and the smell of weed saturates the California air...

At a time when people are debating the positive and medicinal effects of being cannibus...

At a time when doing something to take your mind off the madness and pressure of life...

Getting high as a sources of health moves to the forefront of the leadership conversation.

Should leaders get high? My answer is ABSOLUTELY!

The high that I am speaking of is no ordinary high. This is a high that weed does not automatically grant. This is a high that requires a person to slow down to take in the view, consider the journey, and appreciate scene.

As I sat in a waiting room on the 17th floor of an office building, I had enough time to see this:

Here I was with a breath taking view of the city; HIGH. Here I was:

Hungry - As I looked over the city, I was convinced that the world was so much bigger and that I needed to adjust my thinking. I was sure there was more to learn, more to do, and more to reach. Healthy leaders hunger for significance. They realize when they are thinking too small and take the risk of dreaming that more is possible.

Introspective I took the time to pause and think about where I am, where I want to be, and what I am willing to do to get there. Healthy leaders must embrace the task of internal clarity so that they can maximize external impact.

Grateful - I was willing to pause and take in the view. In that moment, I realized that I should never take for granted the beautiful sights the world has to offer. Healthy leaders are aware of what they see and slow down enough to appreciate the beauty the land has to offer. They don't let beautiful moment pass without pausing to take it in.

Haze-Appreciative - The one part of the view that "stole the show" was the layer of clouds or the haze. It reminded me of the fact that clouds are real; that haze is something we learn to love. Every day can't be sunny but you can change your perspective on clouds. Healthy leaders find beauty in haze.

Most people never get HIGH enough to see the city the way I was seeing it. Most people are stuck with a street view, too busy, too worried, too dramatic, too insensitive, too angry, and too lazy to get HIGH.

The next change you get, get HIGH.

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