My Deep Confession | Healthy Leader Speak

According to Dorothy Dix "Confession is always weakness. The grave soul keeps its own secrets, and takes its own punishment in silence." I connect with her description in so many ways. Confession is an area of great weakness. It is a place of silence. Confession, like pain, is weakness leaving the body. Yet, it is an opportunity for renewal and breath through. Confession chooses visibility and transparency over darkness and secrecy. Confession is strength.

With that in mind, I would like to make a confession. So, here it goes!

Recently, I made some decisions that have caused me great fear. After deep internal reflection and over a decade of consistency, I decided to leave my job and start my own business. This included going from more predictable to less predictable sources of income. It included facing tough questions like:   
  • How will I make money?
  • Will people support my business?
  • What if I fail?
  • Am I really that skilled?
My confession is: I am terrified. I wake up every day with a healthy taste of fear. This is not an easy process and I am not afraid to share. This is a new life. 

Fear can propel you or paralyze you.
Fear can distract you or increase determination.
Fear can be the proof of failure or the evidence of progress.

My confession is my way of exposing fear to the light of motivation. It will not hinder me, fear will help me. It can do the same for you.

According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, "A confession has to be part of your new life." I am taking the first step today.

Why am I sharing this? To model a key practice in the life of healthy leaders. 

What would my blog be without a space for honesty? Make your confession!

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