The Cure for Leadership Boredom


Boredom is a threat to the health of leaders. While repetition has advantages, it also can create a slow and inevitable path toward mediocrity. Habits become the slow lullaby that leads to irrelevance.

Is this the kind of leader you want to be?

Leaders need a stimulus. They need ways to reinvent. Invigorated leaders are healthy leaders. Being an energized leader does make a difference.

Where do you start?

Consider this quote, by George R. R. Martin:

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. 
The man who never reads lives only one.


Reading is living. If you are not reading you are missing out on a huge resource to your livelihood. A reader lives! Alive people read!


Are you afraid to die? No! I am not talking about a physical death. I am talking about a leadership death.  Leaders die! How? They trash what is not working! They change! A leadership death is necessary. Are you willing? 

Live Again 

Reading gives insight to the stories, creativity, passions, and expertise of other people. Their writing is a source of life to you. They give you permission to die and live again. 

Want to energize again? Read, die, and live again! 

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